Writer’s Block

Let’s face it. Writer’s block is something we have ALL faced at one point or another. It’s irritating, a waste of time, and intruding. What can we do to conquer this evil monster?? The Creativity Post shared a wonderful article written by Elifrustrated_610_300_s_c1_center_centerzabeth Grace Saunders titled, “When You’re Staring Blankly at Your Computer.”

Saunders gives plenty of bullet points in the article to help us with gaining productivity back when we think it’s a lost cause. She says the key is often to step back. Not to just clear your mind of anxiety, but to actually address what’s making you nervowritersblockus–lack of clarity. This can be done by breaking down what you need to get done into the smallest of baby steps. “This is particularly helpful when you need to move a messy project ahead but can also work with more routine tasks where you notice a resistance to getting started.”

The nest time you find yourself thinking you’ll just stay up as late as you need to in order to get the work done, (which leads to wasting time and being sleep deprived), try to get yourself motivated, (which isn’t always necessary and can lead to more procrastination), or stick with the task but having it take waaaaayyyyy longer than it should take……remember to take a deep breath, step away from the task, and break it down into smaller steps! Here’s to happy writing!

3 thoughts on “Writer’s Block

  1. I find this article interesting since it encourages people to breakdown their tasks more, much like when I do it myself. I have done more this year than any other year, especially with my Introduction to Writing class. Thanks to my method I was able to get work done without much stress. On the other hand, I’ve done this work late at night when I’m the most motivated to type documents, but that is just me


  2. This was a very helpful blog, especially in light of final preparation. Like the article states, i need a planner in order to not feel overwhelmed. Without it, I would be lost. I think procrastination is all in the mind. It’s better just to start a little bit at a time than try and do it all at once. Being overwhelmed is the foundation to a future of procrastination.


  3. “When You’re Staring Blankly At Your Computer,” made me think about procrastination on the computer, as well as, paper and pencil. Our generation began composing writing assignments on paper, and transitioned to digital text. By Bolter’s definition, the computer remediates many writing technologies, and has an influence on the writing process. However, does the computer remediate procrastination in the writing process? Or does the Internet’s vast connectivity increase procrastination? With any writing assignment, I agree that you must “break it down into smaller steps!” (ashmcmichael). Regardless of the writing technology used, this is an efficient step to decreasing


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